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Fat loss and muscle growth is possible at the same time; I dropped 6% body fat & increased muscle mass by 3 kilos in 8 weeks!

Everyone said you can’t burn fat & build muscle at the same time in a short time frame, I told them “yes you can” and proved it was possible. No I haven’t cheated with PEDs, I haven’t even managed to stay strict on my meal plan due to my neck hurting and just cravings all over the place.

Glad I decided to get a body composition analysis, would not have been able to tell otherwise. The scale have not been moving and most of the fat reduction have been around my waistline, the visceral fat to be more specific. I don’t look as bloated anymore, I feel more comfortable wearing leggings without hiding under a pair of sweats like I did all winter.

I’m not surprised my body have store extra visceral fat, there are studies showing that high cortisol levels are linked to weight gain especially in the shape of visceral fat. I’ve been finding myself more relaxed and not so anxious all the time since I moved back to Sweden so I guess my body decided it’s time to let go of that visceral fat.


Vikt: Weigh
Fett: Fat
Fettmassa: Fat mass
FFM: Fat free mass
Muskel massa: Muscle mass
Ben massa: Bone mass

Bålen: Core
Väster arm/höger arm: Left arm, right arm
Vänster ben/höger ben: Left leg, right leg

The printer didn’t work the first time so I took pictures of the machine, I’m thought the pictures would talk for themselves, but realised most of my followers don’t know Swedish so I’ll explain in text as well.

Weigh is exactly the same, 53.1 kilos, pretty funny if you ask me.
Fat was a 13.3 kilos and muscle mass 47.3, setting me at a body fat percentage of 21.1%.
Fat reduced to 9.4 kilos and muscle increased with 3 kilos!! I’m not at 14.9% body fat, incredible.

I had uneven legs, my right leg is dominant and had little bit more mass. So I’ve done a lot of single leg exercises starting on my left leg which increased my strength in my left leg and actually made stronger so that I am uneven yet again, but stronger in the left leg.

About that fat, I lost 1.9 kilo fat from my core. I guess back is included in core, but my back has always been pretty shredded, so that’s why I’m guessing most of it is visceral fat since it’s not as noticeable. Each leg lost about 0.5-0,7 kilos and that have been quite noticeable, my glute-ham tie have been more prominent. All together, a drop of 3,9 kilos is not bad considering I have not been strict to my meal plan at all.

Also as icing on the cake, my resting metabolic rate have increased due to my new composition, meaning I can eat more food 🙏🏽

I’m a little bit ashamed to confess, but my cravings have been so bad I’ve been cheating every other weekend, I made cake for easter, I’ve been eating pastries & even squeezed in candy as pre and intra workout. I do not regret it tho, not at all!

Also, like I said in the intro, I haven’t cheated with any kind of PEDs, I wanted to see how far I could get without them first to see if it’s even necessary. What I did instead was researching how PEDs effect the body to stimulate muscle growth, from my understanding it’s all about the protein balance in the end, partially hormone balance but I don’t wanna go to deep into detail about that in this post, I’ll save that for later.

Photo from 8 weeks ago